Monday, March 22, 2010

God BLESS the Asian Market!

Katy & I took our "after" pictures this evening, and although the photos didn't show too much of a difference, I managed to drop 13 pounds. I was totally SHOCKED! But it felt pretty rad. I know I'll gain some of it back with normal food, but dang!

Afterward we took a little trip to one of my favorite places on the planet: H-Mart. It's an Asian market about 20 minutes SW of downtown Denver, and right near Katy's place. We took advantage of their vast produce department, as everything looked delicious after 7 days of just lemonade. (Except the lemons). :)

On the weekends this grocery is a bustling marketplace, where you're lucky to wade through everyone with a shopping cart. Luckily since we hit it on a Monday night, it was easy gettin' around.

I gleefully grabbed 2 ginormous Korean Pears too (the big yellow mounds at the bottom of my photo), as they are my new favorite fruit. They are basically a cross between an apple and a pear - they're kind of crunchy, kind of textured, super juicy, with a mild sweetness. I highly recommend trying them!

And yes, I did splurge and buy a bag of vegetable potstickers. Eh, nobody's perfect!

The best part of the whole thing? Everything pictured came to $30 and some change. Yowza.

So definitely be sure and check to see if you have one of these stores in your area! OH - and be sure to try something new while you're there. They carry a really wide variety of produce - some of which I'm pretty darn scared of. But I wouldn't have fallen in love with Korean Pears if I hadn't taken a chance!

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