Friday, April 9, 2010

My New Hat

This is my new hat. I got it at K-Mart (yes, K-Mart) when I was scavenging for cheap frames for my photography display. It called to me!

It said, "Beth! You know those slouchy hats you wear when you don't want to wash your hair in the wintertime? It's going to be too hot to wear them in the summer! Your hair isn't long enough to wear in pigtails yet, so you must disguise your unwashed-hair-days somehow.... why not with me?"

I answered, "Okay!"

$9.00 later, I'm a happy camper. It's cute too, huh?


MELI. said...

whooaaa hello fabulous!!! :D

Beth B said...

Ha! Thanks SO much! I love your blog by the way - I saw "Bikes in the City" featured in Bust Magazine. SO RAD! :)