Monday, November 9, 2009

Thoughts on Love...

We're reading this lovely book for my book club this month called "Love Walked In" - it's the first novel from writer Maria De Los Santos, and it's a beautiful story about how love hits you when you least expect it.

There's a moment in the story where this 11-year-old girl (Clare) looks at two people and understands what it's like to be in love. She sees that they behave like they always did, but the connection is there, the way they see each other is more than they see other people - and she gets it.

There was a moment when I saw this last night between my married friends - Nikki & Matt. We had just watched the guys' hockey game, and Matt was sitting on the bleachers near us, telling us all about what happened while they were playing. I looked over at Nikki, and saw her looking at Matt while he was talking. I don't think she noticed, but I saw that look on her face. The complete calmness, the slight smile, the shine in her eyes - it was all there. In that one look she felt so much love for him that I felt fortunate to be in such close proximity to such a beautiful moment. Knowing that Matt sees all of those wonderful things in Nikki too just fills my heart, and gives me hope for so many things. Not only the hope that I can find that kind of love someday in my life, but that that kind of love exists.

It's beautiful, and really simple when you get down to it. Love. Love, love, love. It's a good thing.

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