Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'm LOVING this time of year, BIG TIME!!  
Remember last year in this post when I talked about all of the fun ways I was celebrating Halloween in 2010?  Well, here we go again for 2011!

Firstly - I rented pretty much every classic horror movie I could find.  Friday the 13th, Halloween, Poltergeist, Aliens, The Lost Boys, The House on Haunted Hill, Nightmare on Elm Street. Some I've seen, some I haven't - so I'm getting all caught up!  Last night I watched The Lost Boys, as it's been a while, and I had to revisit my favorite 80's vampire flick.  

You know what's creepy too?  I totally used to date a guy who looked exactly like Keifer Sutherland in this movie.  It's really weird.  And kind of awesome.  Needless to say, he was a bit of a "bad boy".  And kind of a dick.  Maybe I actually DID date this character??

A bunch of my friends and I are headed to a big HUGE Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch this weekend out in the boonies, and I can't WAIT!!  There's going to be hay rides, a petting zoo, mazes, (or maizes?  I'm hilarious), pumpkin picking, and hot apple cider.  LOVE IT! 

Speaking of apple cider... 

I stopped at the Market yesterday near my work, and picked up a steaming hot cup of apple cider to read our fantastic book club book "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.  It's a strange and eerie novel, but beautifully written, and I absolutely love the characters.  I'm so excited to talk about this one at our next meeting! 

Oh, and they give you a whole cinnamon stick with your cider when you get it at this place.  Isn't that rad?

Coming soon (ie - next weekend) will be the Zombie Crawl, which I'm definitely attending - then the Zombie VS Vampires roller derby bout which I'm excited to watch!  I've still been on a bit of a hiatus from derby (takin' a big ol' break), but I'm excited to cheer my girls on. :) 

The weekend after that is HALLOWEEN of course!  We're doing some pumpkin carving, then having our big party!!  I'm so excited.  On top of that, we're also going to drive up to Estes Park and check out the Stanley Hotel - the inspiration for Steven King's book The Shining.  

I have actually been here once before, but I didn't get to take a tour unfortunately.  This time around though, we got tickets to go on a "Ghost & History Tour" which I'm SO excited about!  I love learning about historical locations (huge nerd right here), and ghosts too??  So fun! 

Hopefully we can avoid this guy while we're there.... 

I need to keep working on getting my costume in order, which has been a bit of a challenge since I've been on such a serious budget.  But hopefully I can make it work!  I can't wait for you all to see it. :) 


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