Thursday, October 13, 2011

OH, and how could I forget??

One more quick post for today... (a bit of a background story)... 

All summer I've been so bummed out that I can't afford to get a ski pass this season.  In past years, I've always charged the amount to my credit card, then spent the winter paying it off.  Then one year, I didn't get it paid off.  Then the next year after that, I still didn't get it paid off.... and the debt just kept adding up.

Needless to say, I had to take responsibility.  As you know I've been working my booty off with getting all of my debt paid off - which has included cutting spending wherever I can, and even taking on a part-time job on top of my full-time job.  Last year I still ended up getting a 4-pack to Arapahoe Basin / Keystone resorts, but I knew that this year I had to be extra careful.  So no snowboarding for me!  SAD FACE but I'm a big girl, and there's always next year!

Yesterday was rough.  I had a ridiculously stressful day at my day job, then I had to go straight from there to my part-time job.  I got home late, hungry and exhausted.  John was up waiting for me - as excited as a boy can be.

John: "I have something for you!"
Me: "Is that my early Christmas present that you have been peeing your pants to tell me about for the last month?"
John: "Yes.  Open it.  I can't take it anymore."

So I opened it, and burst into tears.

The boy got me a FRIGGIN' SKI PASS for the season!!!  Not a dinky ol' 4-pack either - unlimited visits to Keystone, A-Basin, and Breck, as well as 10 passes to Beaver Creek and Vail.  I had no words!!  I hugged him and kissed him and thanked him endlessly.  I have never gotten a gift like that EVER, and it meant so much to me.  I quickly told him that there was no damn way I could afford to get him a gift even close to that in price, and of course he didn't expect one.  Then I told him that I would love him even if I didn't get me anything at all for Christmas, and he said with a smile, "I know!"

Best. Boyfriend. EVER.

Dustin' off the snowboard tonight, baby!  WOOHOOO!!!

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