Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hair Inspiration!

Now that my hair is finally (finally!) beginning to grow out a bit, I'm trying to figure out what the heck to do with it next.  I'm thinking of cutting the sides a little shorter again and letting the top keep growing longer... but I'm not sure where to go from there!  I've been pinning things on Pinterest for some inspiration...

I just found this one (above) today - I LOVE IT.  Super freakin' cute - I love the super short sides with the long hair combed forward.  So awesome.

I just love Ginnifer Goodwin's short lil' haircut - super friggin' cute.  I don't know if I could pull off how short she keeps the sides though...

And this one I'm SO INTO.  Big time - I think it's my favorite.  My bangs aren't nearly this long yet, but they're getting there.  Maybe if I could just get it shaped this way it could grow out looking rad!  I just love the choppy brushed-forward look - it's messy and kind of rock & roll, and kind of fantastic.

Any thoughts / suggestions?  :)


Kendra said...

ooooh, love the last one as well! and i also like the 4 photo a lot, kind of the same style, but the bangs are a little shorter. either way is going to be super cute.

Beth B said...

Thanks Kendra!! I actually made my appointment today, so hopefully it will look as cute as I'm imagining! :D So excited...