Monday, January 7, 2013

Coconut Chia Tapioca Pudding Dessert

I'm feeling SO much better now that I've cut the sugar out of my life (at least for the past 7 days, anyway), but every now & then I crave a little sweetness.  Like today.  :) 

I know that there are a TON of great health benefits to chia seeds (good fats, cleansing, etc.), so I decided to try out my own little dessert with them! 

When chia seeds are soaked in water, juice, or milk, they form a squishy membrane around them.  Alien-like?  Yes.  Kinda awesome?  YES.  

Coconut Chia Tapioca Pudding Dessert
Vegan, Gluten-Free
Serves 1-2 people

1 cup soy or almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbsp chia seeds (preferably organic)
2 tbsp unsweetened coconut shreds
splash of flavoring (vanilla extract is great - I used maple extract)
pinch of Truvia (or other natural no-sugar sweetener), optional
In a container, add all the ingredients, cover with a lid, and shake well to combine.  Let refrigerate for about 7 hours (or overnight).

And that's it!  
I really enjoyed this dessert.  It tasted sweet even though there's no sugar in it, and I just loved the consistency.  I'm just loving trying out all of these new & healthy recipes!  

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