Monday, May 2, 2011

A Lovely Weekend & Water For Elephants

I had a really nice & relaxing weekend.  I got to spend a lot of time with John which was great - I feel like I haven't had a lot of "hang" time with my fella lately! 

Saturday, John, Cat & I went to a tattoo place to look into some of the artists' work.  I won a $150 gift card towards a tattoo (from the Derbyville grand opening) to Phantom 8, so we all headed over there to check out their stuff.  I made an appointment with Chris in a couple of weeks to get my new piece started (I won't spoil the surprise)! 

On our way back we stopped at Sweet Action Ice Cream for some of their delicious homemade goodness.  Sigh, I love those guys.  Best Pralines & Cream I've ever had in my life!!!

Sunday I went to see "Water for Elephants" with my mom.  I read the book, and really loved it - so I was looking forward to seeing this one! 

I thought it was really lovely.  A very well-done interpretation, and the acting was wonderful!  Especially the bad guy (the ringmaster) - wow, he was really mean & awful.  You can always tell a good actor when he can play a good villain!  ;) 

Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson did a great job as well - they had some really nice chemistry, and they played the parts really nicely.  I told my mom that after all of the Twilight fame, it was nice to see a movie where R. Patt could laugh.  And he really laughed wholeheartedly!  It was a nice thing to see - he has a lovely smile!

And I LOVED the elephant, of course.  What an amazing experience to have working with such a magnificent creature!!  I'm a bit jealous of that.  And there's a great scene where Reese Witherspoon lies on top of the elephant, then she rises up while she gets wrapped in her trunk, and then perches on top of her head.  You could tell that it wasn't a stunt woman either - it was her!  SO awesome. 

Then later that night, John and I decided to have a pig-out session with some chocolate chip cookie dough, crackers w/ cheese spread & jelly, and popcorn.  Definitely not good for my TBT, but I'm getting back on track again today!!  We watched a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street that just came out last year.  It was OK, but not great - there were some scenes that were shot-for-shot the same as the original.  I don't really see the point of doing all of these remakes - the original was great!  Ah, well. 

I did love the boy that was in it though - what a cutie!  This picture doesn't really do him justice, but I thought he was super cute.  He also spent most of the movie pining over a girl that he had a crush on - which really part of the reason why I thought he was so cute.  Not as cute as my fella, but cute nonetheless. ;)


Kendra said...

I saw Water for Elephants this weekend too and loved it! Honestly, I was a tad nervous that Robert and Reese wouldn't have the right chemistry, but it all really worked.

I would like to put that elephant in my pocket. You know, if that was possible. Sounds like you had a nice weekend!

Chelsea said...

OMG, water for elephants was AMAZING!


THAT ice cream looks so yummy!

Beth B said...

I was totally worried about that too! They definitely had chemistry though, and it totally worked. What a relief! ;)

Yah, that ice cream place is AWESOME. Nothing beats a cone of home-made goodness. Well, maybe Ben & Jerry's. ;)

Eva said...

I want to see it! But I'm holding off because I wanted to read the book first.

Beth B said...

That's a great idea, Eva. I actually really enjoyed the book, and I'm kind of glad I read it before I saw the movie. I'm sure it's not necessary, but I liked having the characters in my head first! :)