Thursday, December 1, 2011

Well, hello December! How 'bout some Cutie-Cute Girlies?

Yes, December has officially arrived!  And what a morning - Denver is just getting pounded with snow, which I'm totally thrilled about.  I LOVE SNOW.  We've been having some pretty great weather lately, so it's actually really nice having a little change to welcome us into the new month! 

No, I didn't take any of those photos - but they're gorgeous, aren't they!?  Nothing makes me feel more smiley than seeing Christmas Lights tucked under a veil of snowflakes - I just adore this time of year. 

To usher in the season, I'm doing another installment of Cutie-Cute Girlies!!  
Aren't they just adorable / gorgeous / lovely?  I love artistic photographs of ladies!

Don't worry, I will do an installment of Cutie-Cute Boys too.  :)  

Over the weekend (after Thanksgiving), I got a little excited about the upcoming Christmas season.  Sooooo I got a little outta control and made like a bajillion Christmas cut-out sugar cookies.  John has been eating all of them (no really, he eats like 5 every night), so I had to hide them from him!  Haha! 

The icing didn't turn out great (I kind of made up the recipe), but luckily I waited to do the rest.  I'll definitely be using a recipe this time around!  Now how to get John's fingers away from the icing... 

OH - and we got our tree up too!!  Isn't it adorable??  It's pretty small (only like 5' tall), but I bought it at Big Lots like 3 years ago for $20 and it's still kickin, so I can't really complain.  John and I compiled our ornaments, and had a lot of fun decorating it.  

Every year I buy myself a new Xmas ornament for the tree too.  Something a little different and unique from anything else I have.  Last year my family gave me a little bouncey Santa Claus that I LOVE, so this year I decided to go with a cute little glittery porcupine! 

I found him at World Market (Cost Plus) - isn't he just ADORABLE??  I had to bring him home with me.  I think I'm going to call him Theodore. 


all photos from