Monday, January 25, 2010

Talons Challenge Weekend o' Fun

We had a ridiculously fun time this weekend!
Friday night started us out at Breckenridge with a night full of dancing, and $4 PBR tall boys. It was an absolute blast, and the DJ was crankin' out dance tunes from the 70's, 80's & 90's. Needless to say, we boogied our booties off.

The next morning I dragged my butt off the couch at 6:00am to meet some friends for the ride up to Beaver Creek. The sunrise was absolutely gorgeous, and though I was freezing and slightly sleepy I mustered up the energy to snap this awesome photo.

While my more adventurous friends went off to tackle the 13 black diamond runs, I hung back with some other peeps and hit the blue "intermediate" runs. There was some amazing fresh powder, and we even found some runs where we could make the first cuts through it. It was the best day of boarding I had all year.

Sunday I came home early, took down my Xmas decorations (finally) and cleaned my apartment. All-in-all a pretty kickass weekend!

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